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Red Spotted Severum 2”-2.5”

The Severum (Heros efasciatus) has been a mainstay in the aquarium hobby for decades. They grow large enough to act as centerpieces, but they are not tank-busters, and they come in a variety of color patterns. Severum have a very elaborate body color, ranging from green to blue to red depending on light and mood. These ones in particular are a man-made variant that vary in color from green to turquoise. They are typically peaceful, though aggression will surface if pairs form.

The Severum your will receive will be approximately 2” in size.

Scientific Name: Heros efasciatus

Common Name: Red Spotted Severum

Max Size: 8"

pH: 6.0-7.5

Hardness: Soft

Temperature: 70-84°

Aggressiveness: Semi-Aggressive

Region of Origin: South America

Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred

Diet: Flake or pellet, frozen and live food

Compatibility: Medium schooling fish, similarly koi

Red Spotted Severum 2”-2.5”

Out of Stock
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